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Welcome to Nepean HS Library
As a team you MUST complete all four stations - it can be done in any order.
Station A:  Printing at NHS
Log into any computer in the library and print out one page with a positive message and an image that represents your group.  Place it in your envelope.
Station B:  Personal Shopper!
 Choose one "client" to shop for (multiple groups cannot choose the same client) and fill out this Google doc and share with
Station C:  It's Book Spine Poetry Time (Not sure what it is? Google it!)
Choose 4-10 book which are FICTION from the Nepean High School Library shelves.
You must use at least 3 different genres.
Once you have completed the task show Ms. Murray
Station D: Crossword Puzzle (in envelope)
As a team fill out the crossword puzzle - and place in envelope.
Once you are all done, come back to the teaching area in the library.
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